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League of Women Voters of Boulder County
Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy
Serving the People of Boulder County, Colorado
Date: 9/3/2020
Subject: Presidents' Letter September 2020
From: Jennifer L Bales

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September 2020

By Elizabeth Crowe


Women Power the Vote


It’s Fall Kickoff time for LWV of Boulder County: an annual event for members and friends to celebrate our work, acknowledge our mission and goals, and get energized for the busy League year ahead. Please mark your calendars for Sunday, September 13, 1 – 3 PM and register for this virtual event today!


The Kickoff is the gateway to our election season activities, and there are a lot of them. Our local League has seven more registration drive events; research, write-ups and virtual public presentations about initiatives appearing on the ballot; 10 or more candidate forums to schedule, host and tape online. Our members are working hard to promote National Popular Vote (and you can too!), and inform community members about use of alternative voting methods.


Our organization is also taking bold action at the national level to protect voting rights. LWV U.S. along with the National Urban League and Common Cause filed a lawsuit against Postmaster General DeJoy and the US Postal Service, asserting that its changes to postal service procedures and equipment presents an undue burden on the fundamental right to vote. We’re also asking Congress to act now, to support the “Delivering for America” Act to protect the Postal Service from changes that would harm our election process and create unnecessary burdens for millions of people. 


That’s the power of League: grassroots, non-partisan action to empower voters and defend democracy from our neighborhoods here in Boulder County all the way to Washington D.C. And how we use that power depends on the engagement of you, our members.


At the Kickoff meeting on September 13th you’ll have an opportunity to weigh in on our 2020-21 strategic plan, sharing your thoughts about the goals and activities that are most important, most inspiring, most inclusive of the needs of everyone in our community. Then, on September 26th the LWV Colorado will hold its Making Democracy Work! Day, for state-level information engagement. 


Susan and I are thrilled to be working with all of you during this critical election season. Please do what you can to help power the vote!