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League of Women Voters of Boulder County
Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy
Serving the People of Boulder County, Colorado
Date: 3/16/2020
Subject: An Update from the LWV of Colorado
From: League of Women Voters Boulder County


Update from LWVCO

Dear LWVBC Members,

The League of Women Voters of Colorado is closely following state-, federal-, and industry-issued updates and guidance regarding coronavirus (COVID-19). The health and safety of our members is our number one priority. We encourage our local Leagues and our members to put their health and comfort first and to follow Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommendations.

We understand that the work the League does defending democracy and empowering voters is vital, particularly in this high-interest election year, and we encourage the use of videoconferencing rather than face-to-face meetings during this pandemic crisis.
(LWVBC has a Zoom Account and FreeConferenceCall account for teams to use. Please email Mandy at if you need help utilizing these resources).

The League of Women Voters of Colorado Board of Directors met on the 14th and discussed if the office must close. At this time, the office will remain open.
We are, however, postponing the lecture and book-signing by Dr. Carolyn Jefferson Jenkins scheduled for 3/25/2020.

Here are several resources that you might find helpful when making decisions regarding your local League events and programs. Please be aware that updates are occurring frequently and the recommendations here might change quickly. 
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Coronavirus Disease
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Stigma and Resilience 
Coronavirus, Nonprofits, and General Health (Center for Non-Profits, 3/6/2020)
Non-Profit Risk Management Center (includes helpful information regarding events)
Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment 
We understand that this is an uncertain time and we thank you for your flexibility. Please reach out with questions, suggestions, and concerns. We encourage you to forward this to your entire membership list.

Most importantly, please stay safe and healthy.
Thank you,
LWVCO Board of Directors   

Making Democracy Work for All
League of Women Voters of Boulder County
P.O. Box 21274
Boulder,  CO  80308

lwvbc. org