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League of Women Voters of Boulder County
Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy
Serving the People of Boulder County, Colorado
Date: 9/18/2019
Subject: Register for Advocate for Impact Training
From: League of Women Voters Boulder County


Join the Women’s Collaborative of Boulder County, as we host the Women’s Foundation of Colorado for an important training. They will bring their Advocating for Impact Training to Boulder on

Monday, September 23 from 5:30 - 7:45 p.m.
Boulder Public Library - Boulder Creek Room
1001 Arapahoe Ave.
Boulder, CO 80302

These trainings will include a briefing on paid family leave, advocacy tactics and ways you can take direction action to create systemic change for women and their families in Colorado. Bring a friend and join us as we work to create a Colorado where all women can thrive.

Light refreshments will be served. Language interpretive services provided upon request.

This event is free but attendees must register.


Making Democracy Work for All
League of Women Voters of Boulder County
P.O. Box 21274
Boulder,  CO  80308

lwvbc. org