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League of Women Voters of Boulder County
Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy
Serving the People of Boulder County, Colorado
Date: 9/5/2019
Subject: Councilwoman: Join us for a screening and discussion!
From: League of Women Voters Boulder County


Join us for a Film Screening and Discussion of Councilwoman
Sunday, September 22
Longmont Museum
400 Quail Road
Longmont, CO 80501

Registration through Longmont Museum, Tickets $5
You may register as a guest or create a museum account
Politicians aren’t often full-time hotel housekeepers, union members, grandmothers, and immigrants working service jobs. But Carmen Castillo, a UNITE HERE! member, changes that when she wins a seat on the City Council in Providence, Rhode Island. Carmen Castillo is a Dominican City Councilwoman who maintains her job cleaning hotel rooms, as she takes on her new role in politics. She faces skeptics who say she doesn’t have the education to govern, the power of corporate interests who take a stand against her fight for a $15/hourly wage in the City, and a tough re-election against two contenders—all of this while balancing the challenges of managing a full-time job cleaning hotel rooms, and a personal relationship. It’s a journey behind the scenes of politics after the victory.
Carmen Castillo, dominicana de nacimiento, miembro de su sindicato, trabaja en el equipo de limpieza de un hotel en la ciudad de Providence, RI, dándole una voz a la lucha por los derechos de los trabajadores marginados. Se enfrenta a muchos retos: a personas que no creen que tiene la educación para gobernar, al poder de los intereses corporativos que se oponen a la lucha por un salario mínimo de $15/hora, y a su competencia para re-elección al puesto- todo esto mientras balancea su trabajo a tiempo completo limpiando cuartos de hotel y relaciones personales. Es una historia de la vida política tras la victoria.
Sponsored by LWVBC, Longmont Museum, and Colorado 50-50.
Colorado 50-50 is a non-partisan educational group dedicated to gender parity for all elected offices, and appointed boards and commissions.

Making Democracy Work for All
League of Women Voters of Boulder County
P.O. Box 21274
Boulder,  CO  80308
