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League of Women Voters of Boulder County
Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy
Serving the People of Boulder County, Colorado
Date: 5/31/2020
Subject: A Statement from the League of Women Voters Boulder County
From: League of Women Voters Boulder County

“Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty, and it does seem to me that notwithstanding all these social agencies and activities there is not that vigilance which should be exercised in the preservation of our rights.” - Ida B. Wells


Dear LWVBC Members and Friends,

Our community and our nation are in pain. In the midst of a crippling pandemic, acts of racism, injustice and inequity continue. It is our responsibility, as active members in our democratic process, to be vigilant in the pursuit and preservation of human rights.


We must acknowledge the fear, anxiety, anger and exhaustion among those who each day experience the impacts of racism on personal and institutional levels. We also acknowledge the sadness and feelings of helplessness among those who may not fully understand or experience racism or disenfranchisement, but want to "do something".


We encourage our local government leaders to adopt and/or deepen commitments to avoid creating or exacerbating race disparities and burdens, and help avoid further trauma for people of color. And, as LWVBC enters a new year of advocacy and service, we encourage our members and allies to join us as we continue to understand and dismantle racism and inequity in our own organization by honestly examining racism in our history and practices; increasing our anti-racism capacity and competency; and ensuring our advocacy and service activities are rooted in inclusion and equity.


As LWVUS' Virginia Case wrote this week, "The systems of oppression that have perpetuated the myth of white supremacy in our country must be dismantled if we are ever to become the nation we pledge to be – indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." 

Toward a "more perfect union", we will continue our work to empower voters and defend democracy so that our political systems work for all people.

Elizabeth Crowe, Incoming Co-President

Peggy Leech, Outgoing Co-President

Susan Saunders, Co-President

Making Democracy Work for All
League of Women Voters of Boulder County
P.O. Box 21274
Boulder,  CO  80308
