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League of Women Voters of Boulder County
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Serving the People of Boulder County, Colorado

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LWV Larimer County hosting webinar "Strengthening the Public Health System"

Amanda P Nuku | Published on 10/18/2021

 forum sponsored by the LWV of Larimer County, CO.


The public health system in Colorado and around the country has been challenged and, in many cases, threatened during the COVID pandemic. The need to de-politicize public health has been shown in the many attempts to override public health expertise and evidence in favor of political expediency. Public health leaders will present their ideas on the value of evidence-based decision-making and other strategies to maintain a solid public health system to protect our communities.  Representative Cathy Kipp will speak to political strategies and plans to support public health.



Glen Mays, PhD, MPH - Professor and chair of the Department of Health Systems, Management and Policy, Colorado School of Public Health. His research examines the organization, financing, and delivery of public health services and their impact on population health.


Tom Gonzales, MPH, REHS - Public Health Director of the Larimer County Department of Health and Environment. He was formerly the Deputy Public Health Director at El Paso County Public Health, and Manager of Environment Health at Clark County Public Health in Washington State.


Jeff Zayach, MS - Former Executive Director of the Boulder County Public Health Department. Prior to that appointment, he was the Environmental Health Director for Boulder. He has been in leadership positions with the major public health associations of Colorado.


Jackie Brown, RN, MSN, FNP - Former public health director for Prowers County, serving 3 rural southeast Colorado counties. She also served as the Chief of Clinical Operations for Southeast Behavioral Health, serving 6 counties in SE Colorado.


State Representative Cathy Kipp - House District 52 in Larimer County. She serves on the House Education, Finance, and Appropriations Committees. She has carried important public health legislation which became law.


Moderator: Lee Thielen, MPA – Former Associate Director of the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment and former Executive Director of the Colorado Association of Local Public Health Officials and the Public Health Alliance, as well as a nationally known consultant in public health. Member of the LWV of Larimer County, CO